Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dont Get out of the car, Mothers day Movie of feeding papa Eagle

I'm between 1/8 and 1/4 mile away with zoom ,
 If i got any closer or got out of the car he 
would fly away with senses better than a dog he knows I'm here
besides the eyesight is 10 times better than mans

Dinner time for papa

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nest Mantenance

Look how white she is above and probably a Male
below (Not much hook in the beak) taking medow
grass back to nest as mantenance
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Friday, April 20, 2012

Blow ups of 2008 pictures,

Original digitals are on another hard drive, But on the
top one you can make out the squerrel head under the branch
he/she is on, Probably a he Because I dont make
out much of a hook on the beak, the picture in the middle
shows clearly the white tail and white on the back of the wings
and the one on the bottom shows original scale and
the colorings of a juvanile abot the same, the white
in the chest and whitish almost bluish rest of the Bird

Heartshorne Park 2008 bottom and top, Seaview
School Middle, taken a few seconds later after it
Flew across the bike path
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Juvenile Eagle over Seaview School In 2008

I watched this Juvenile Eagle Fly from a branch in Heartshorne Park with a squirrel in its talons when i blow up the original maybe this one too you can make out his head just below the wave tip of the white tail feathers
this was taken in 2008, this is probably when the Eagles showed up on the Patcong, I had witnessed two nest or two pair at different locations early in 2011, one pair moved but the other did not, I'm not at Liberty to tell
if they have been successful in offspring but I know.